Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations


There are over 120,000 First Nations people living in the Murray Darling Basin and most of these people are Traditional Owners that belong to over 40 autonomous Nations.

The Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) is a confederation of Indigenous Nations or Traditional Owners in the southern part of the Murray Darling Basin. The group currently includes representatives from over 20 Nations.

MLDRIN was formed in 1998 during the Yorta Yorta Native Title Case. During this time the Yorta Yorta called for a gathering of all the Indigenous Nations along the Murray River to come together in solidarity for their cause. That first gathering of the Nations along the Murray resulted in the establishment of the Confederation, which further garnered strength and importance after the Native Title determination. However, it should be remembered that MLDRIN is an expression of the way the Indigenous Nations have always done business – by caring for Country and talking to traditional neighbours from upstream and downstream on the Murray and its sister Rivers, Creeks, Lakes, Billabongs and Waterways.

MLDRIN currently comprises of Delegates from the Wiradjuri, Djaara, Barapa Barapa, Wamba Wamba, Mutti Mutti, Wadi Wadi, Latji Latji, Ngunnawal, Tati Tati, Nyeri Nyeri, Weki Weki, Nari Nari, Ngintait, Wolgalu, Dhudhuroa, Waywurru, Yitta Yitta, Maraura and Ngarrindjeri Nations.