
First Nations’ MDBA appointment a big step forward

MLDRIN has welcomed the establishment of a legislated, permanent First Nations position on the Board of the Murray Darling Basin Authority, following the passage of the Water Amendment (Indigenous Authority Member) Bill 2019 in Federal Parliament last Thursday. MLDRIN worked alongside the Northern Basin Aboriginal Nations and other First Nations organisations to lobby successive Federal […]

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Study shows Australians support water allocations for First Nations

MLDRIN has called on all governments to heed world-first research, which demonstrates strong support for reallocation of water to First Nations. The research conducted by Griffith University and released this week indicates that 70% of Murray Darling Basin residents surveyed would back the reallocation of water to Aboriginal communities. The study also found that around […]

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When the River Runs Dry: a message of support

MLDRIN is a representative forum for First Nations in the Southern Murray Darling Basin, established in 1998 to create a united voice for water justice. Today, all our members stand in unity with communities rallying in six heavily impacted river towns, to call for urgent action to address the water crisis across New South Wales. […]

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First Nations propose changes to Australia’s Water Act

The Water Act is ‘substantially inconsistent’ with Australia’s commitments to international conventions, a Traditional Owner group will today tell the South Australian Royal Commission into the Murray-Darling Basin Plan. The Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN), which represents Traditional Owner organisations across the Murray-Darling Basin, will today give evidence to the Royal Commission. MLDRIN’s […]

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Get the Basin Plan back on track!

In the lead up this week’s Council of Australian Governments (COAG) meeting, MLDRIN has joined with 21 environment, Indigenous and community groups today to call on State and Commonwealth governments to get on with the job of implementing the Murray Darling Basin Plan. ‘Dramatic’ declines The rivers, wetlands and floodplain forests of the Murray Darling […]

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Ministers told: stop undermining the Basin Plan

Media Release (16th March 2017) Community delegation calls on water ministers to stop undermining the Murray-Darling Basin Plan Community delegation speak ahead of meeting with state and territory water ministers State & federal water ministers need to get out of the way of long term solution A delegation of Aboriginal people, farmers and conservationists will […]

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Groundwater workshops for Traditional Owners

The Murray Darling Basin Authority (MDBA) is proposing to change extraction limits for groundwater in a number of regions in NSW and Victoria. In some cases, the changes will mean more water can be taken from underground aquifers for use by industry and agriculture. Traditional Owners have a right to have our voices and perspectives […]

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2016 MLDRIN Wrap Up

2016 has been a big year for Indigenous water rights in Australia and around the world! As part of MLDRIN’s commitment to report back to our member nations, we’ve prepared a wrap-up of key activities and outcomes throughout the year. This is just a sample of some of the work MLDRIN has been involved throughout […]

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