Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations

What do we do at MLDRIN?

The Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations as an advocacy body performs a number of functions for Traditional Owners in the Murray-Darling Basin.


Water Rights

MLDRIN’s core work involves advancing our First Nations members rights to protect, manage and own water resources on their traditional Country.


United Voice

MLDRIN speaks up as one collective voice to defend the right and interests of the First Nations members’ traditional country and its people.



MLDRIN facilitates and advocates for the participation of Nations with different levels of government to influence decisions on Natural Resource Management.

Speaking up as a Collective United Voice for the Murray Lower Darling River Indigenous Nations 

MLDRIN’s founders recognised the need for a strong, united voice that would make sure First Nations’ concerns and aspirations around water are heard.

MLDRIN provides a unique forum for diverse Traditional Owner groups to connect, share ideas and speak up for the river systems of the Murray-Darling Basin. As a Peak Body for Traditional Owners in the Southern part of the Basin, MLDRIN can assert First Nations interests and push for improved outcomes at the highest levels of government.

MLDRIN’s representative structure means that First Nations, through their Delegates, have a direct influence on the projects, lobbying and advocacy we undertake. It also means that, when our Chair and Directors address Water Ministers, Senators and other key-decision-makers, they are genuinely representing the interests of thousands of Aboriginal people across the Southern Basin.

Some of the work MLDRIN undertakes to represent Traditional Owners include:

  • Lobbying Ministers and decision makers at all levels of government
  • Preparing detailed submissions and reports on a range of matters
  • Presenting to Senate Inquiries and reviews of key legislation
  • Presenting at conferences and workshops
  • Liaising with other key stakeholders in government and the private sector
  • Making media statements and communicating First Nations interests to the general public