Volunteer position available!

MLDRIN helps Indigenous Nations delegates and individual in building Capacity and expertise

Would you like to work with a leading Aboriginal organisation on exciting new projects that will build Traditional Owner’s involvement in water management?

MLDRIN is seeking volunteers to work on Aboriginal Waterways Assessment projects  in Victoria.

Context of the role

The Murray Lower Darling Rivers Indigenous Nations (MLDRIN) is a representative confederation of Traditional Owner groups from across the Southern Murray Darling Basin. In 2016-18 MLDRIN will be running a series of Aboriginal Waterways Assessment (AWA) projects throughout Northern Victoria. The AWA is a new tool designed to document Aboriginal people’s values and objectives in river management. The AWA projects will help Traditional Owners to define priorities and advocate for positive outcomes that support cultural health and community wellbeing.

For more information about MLDRIN and the AWA visit: https://mldrin.org.au/what-we-do/aboriginal-waterways-assessment/

Objective of the role

To support the effective delivery of the Aboriginal Waterways Assessment projects and maximise the benefit of the projects for Traditional Owners


Volunteers will work alongside MLDRIN’s staff and membership and Traditional Owner partners to plan, implement and report on Aboriginal Waterway Assessment projects being run in Northern Victoria. Activities will involve opportunities for work on-Country with Traditional Owners, as well as office-based work including administration and preparation of reports. Key activities include:

  • Helping to coordinate project fieldwork and community meetings
  • Participation in field-work including photography and note taking
  • Assisting in the preparation of reports and data for Traditional Owners
  • Preparation of support materials for Traditional Owner participants.


MLDRIN is looking for enthusiastic applicants who are comfortable to commit to working on this important project and developing their skills over a minimum of six months. Competence in the following areas is desirable:

  • Ability to prepare quality reports and written communication
  • Ability to undertake general administrative tasks and manage responsibilities
  • Ability to work in a diverse team and actively engage with project participants
  • Understanding of Natural Resource Management and waterway management

Time required

Flexible: 1-3 days per week depending upon projects and availability. Requirements for work will vary depending on how projects are scheduled throughout the year.

The place

There are opportunities to participate in field-work, which will take place at various locations throughout Northern Victoria.

Report writing, admin and other activities will be undertaken at MLDRIN’s office in North Melbourne. Work from home is also an option.


If you are interested in being involved please provide a current CV and cover letter addressing the requirements to: executiveofficer.mldrin@gmail.com

If you have any further questions about the role or the AWA projects please contact MLDRIN’s Executive Officer Will Mooney via executiveofficer.mldrin@gmail.com or phone 0404 163 700.

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